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I had no internet when entering Turkey, so I used offline OpenStreetMaps to find a place to sleep in Istanbul. I visited hotels and campings not exist anymore. The next day I bought a local SIM-card and planed to never arrive late at night to a city again 😉

Iran was difficult to get in.
I applied for an e-visa while in Turkey, but it was taking too long to be accepted.
So I went to the Iranian consulate in Erzurum. There I had to pay 75eur with a cash deposit at a nearby bank and go back to the consulate. They gave me a piece of paper and left me alone, without any explanation. It turned out to be a visa, good news.
I went to the Turkey-Iran border. Turkey took 5 hours to fix their administration for my scooter and then let me go to the Iranian side of the border. Here, I learned that I needed a ‘Carnet de voyage’ for my scooter. Terrible. They send me back to Turkey and found a contact online in Iran that could provide the ‘Carnet de voyage’ for me. I woke up at 4:30 the next day to try again. This time, Turkey let me trough quite fast and in Iran, my contact welcomed me, let me sign a few Persian papers, and put me on hold for 4 hours. After that we drove around inside the border post like madman to find someone to let me out. It was an exiting experience. Sadly it was illegal to take pictures at the border post. I was actually quite lucky with my Iranian contact, as the people before me had to pay a deposit of 11.000 euros and som additional hundreds of euros to get their mobile home across the border.
While driving in Iran, I took a break next to the road. A trucker stopped, and offered me a cold citrus drink. People in Iran are indeed very welcoming.
Fuel was 0.10euro/liter. Someone offered me to pay my fuel.
I drove high in a mountain and found a hotel of 5.5euro/night. They offered me to go to the hot-spring swimming pool for free.
The country was very nice, but mostly a desert.
Armenian drivers are dangerous
The people in the middle east tend to stand closer to you compared to Europe, but here they also tend to ride closer to you. Giving death fearing experiences all the way!
Georgia is beautiful